
Ident(struct, id)

# S4 method for RHermesExp,numeric
Ident(struct, id)



An RHermesExp object


The number corresponding to the inclusion list you want to access


The identification data.frame with the RHermes_MS2Exp at position id.

See also

Other Getters: DB(), IL(), MS2Data(), PL(), SOI(), adlist()


Roger Gine


struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds", package = "RHermes")) Ident(struct, 1)
#> start end apex ILentry precmass #> 1 95.32832938 120.14594539 104.23208032 2 118.0737 #> 2 92.34434051 95.32832938 93.75641003 2 118.0737 #> 3 90.49537274 110.43981498 94.54436346 2 118.0737 #> 4 95.32832938 120.14594539 115.17961646 2 118.0737 #> 5 89.69702109 94.54436346 91.07649837 2 118.0737 #> 6 118.70962203 122.30634632 122.30634632 2 118.0737 #> 7 82.60770264 92.34434051 86.82565560 2 118.0737 #> ssdata #> 1 58.06500, 59.07200, 118.08600, 76.92700, 56.04900, 58.06800, 100.11200, 118.12200, 58.07000, 644818.50000, 149875.28125, 1424987.75000, 16454.80273, 11940.37988, 30816.64258, 17711.76953, 35496.80859, 19933.61133 #> 2 58.06500, 59.07200, 117.99000, 118.08600, 183344.43750, 40238.88281, 29544.45703, 408329.37500 #> 3 58.95300, 72.08000, 76.92700, 55.05400, 76.93200, 57.05700, 59.93000, 94.94300, 55.05400, 31047.67578, 423063.46875, 77930.25000, 46375.07812, 26517.70312, 23703.08594, 16349.16016, 22005.03906, 52104.45703 #> 4 70.065000, 72.080000, 55.054000, 76.932000, 56.049000, 57.057000, 59.930000, 53.038000, 72.085000, 94.943000, 17625.802734, 583310.625000, 72664.546875, 17848.347656, 14212.707031, 32445.289062, 11026.972656, 6829.209961, 19119.619141, 13727.923828 #> 5 136.00000, 100.02400, 58.95300, 117.99000, 21510.27344, 21659.67969, 65471.05469, 31963.82812 #> 6 72.08000, 55.05400, 57.05700, 391752.56250, 47669.82812, 19837.54297 #> 7 58.065000, 59.072000, 118.086000, 70.065000, 217761.734375, 53398.695312, 469093.187500, 9673.642578 #> anot results #> 1 C5H11NO2 No DB matching #> 2 C5H11NO2 No DB matching #> 3 C5H11NO2 No DB matching #> 4 C5H11NO2 No DB matching #> 5 C5H11NO2 No DB matching #> 6 C5H11NO2 No DB matching #> 7 C5H11NO2 No DB matching