The SOIParam class contains all details regarding SOI detection, such as the number of RT bins and their width, minimum data point intensity, usage of blank substraction, etc.
# S4 method for SOIParam show(object)
object | A SOIParam object |
A SOIParam object
It's a part of the RHermesSOI object, and is an input for findSOI(). This object is usually generated by getSOIParam(), which features already-made templates.
A data frame containing the RT bin information. Each row represents a binning step that will be applied to the annotated data points to detect the SOIs.
Maximum SOI length in seconds. If the SOI is longer tha maxlen, a broad peak picking will divide the long SOI into smaller sized SOIs.
Minimum data point intensity. If a point is smaller than minint, it will not be considered in the SOI detection.
Logical. Whether to perform blanksub. It should NOT be entered by the user in this point, since findSOI will fill in this information.
Character. The corresponding blank file name. As before, it should not be entered by the user, findSOI will fill it automatically.
RHermesSOI findSOI getSOIParam
Other Params:
Roger Gine
SOIParam()#>#>#> data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows#>#>#>#>